Monday, June 3, 2013

9 months baby :)

Happy Anniversary mi rey!!! :D

I love you so much my dearest sweetheart :)))))) I am completely overwhelmed by our love baby, your love. :) I am extremely lucky to have such a wonderful man in my life. I want to share the rest of my life with you. I will share the rest of my life with you. I am only yours baby :)

When I was painting my nails for Free Press Summer Fest, I already knew that I wanted to write your name on them. I want to have you all over me, but nail polish on skin peels easily, so the nails will do for now. My heart doesn't need nail polish though; it already has your name written all over it. Baby, I want to tell the world that I am yours. I'm extremely proud to claim you as my own. When I told my niece about you, I loved that I finally told someone else in my family about you.( I told my cousin about you when I was in Mexico :)) My niece was so interested. She did want to know what you looked like and I said, oh, all the pictures I have of him are silly. And I showed her the pictures of you in a gray shirt pretending to be the cucuy :D She laughed babe. You made my niece laugh before even meeting her :) I love that. You're an extraordinary person my love. I hope I always make you feel that way, because I need you to know your worth. You're royalty baby. You truly are. Those aren't just words. You were always full of promise, baby. A heart so pure. A mind so brilliant. A smile so illuminating. A miracle baby. You're the best in the world my Dragon :)

I fell for you nine months ago.Now, I fall in love with you more and more each day. My heart is so busy falling for you every day, there can never be anyone else.You are the epitome of the word "lover". You make me happy in every possible way. No one makes me laugh the way you do. No one makes me cry tears of joy like you do. No one makes my heart smile like you do. No one makes me happy like you do. No one loves me like you do and no one ever will. I only see you. I see you everywhere I go baby, because you live in my heart. Thank you for giving me forever sweetheart. Avery and I need you. Happy 9 Month Anniversary!!! :)))))

Love always,

Mrs.Luna-Dragon Cantu :D

1 comment:

  1. I love you.

    Throughout history, I know those words have been traded so much, they've all but lost their meaning.

    But when I say it to you, it's a poem. A poem written with every beat of my heart. It's an ascension to a level of being where immortality is real. When I say I love you, I'm giving you a star. And one day, before we pass away in old age, you'll have a sky filled with all the stars I've ever given you.

    Our night.

    Thank you for the last nine months, Mary. I love you more with every second. I mean it. You're the soul I want dance with on the clouds of forever.

    The Kingdom of the Moondragon. Our home. :)


    - Rene Cantu Dragon
