Saturday, February 2, 2013

December 13, 2011 we became Facebook friends :)

December 16, 2011
We'll stagger home after midnight / Sleep arm in arm in the stairwell ♥

Rene Cantu heh. the first album I ever bought in my life, was when I was 14, I bought Take Off Your Pants And Jacket with money I had found in an alley. Good times..(temporary layoffs!)
Mary Luna Lol...where's this alley filled with money?

December 16, 2011
is ill. ughhh. I need to get better NOW!

Mary Luna Hahaha laughin time is OVA

January 1, 2012
I feel like p diddy

Rene Cantu rich and black? i've felt that way too..
January 6, 2012
Anthony Nguyen shared a link.


Rene Cantu don't lick that shoe!!! You'll catch ammonia!

Mary Luna hehe
January 20, 2012
Awwwww yeaaaaa! Major quiz postponed. More time to study :)

Rene Cantu I treasured those moments once....those and the ones where you see a sign outside class that says "Class cancelled for the day."

Rene Cantu but not as much as I treasured the ol' "Pants optional" sign outside the class door..

February 1, 2012
I plan on doing as little work as possible. Today is concert day!

Rene Cantu that's the american way!

February 5, 2012
Press your luck! Big bucks big bucks! Noo whammies!
Mary Luna Lol
February 8, 2012
IRS needs to change their music for when I'm on hold...Linkin Park, Britney, something!
Rene Cantu they should play Wait from White Lion! zing.

Mary Luna I don't need yall's lip! I'm on the edge lol

March 26, 2012
Rene Cantu damn this witty play on words!
Mary Luna Alburera ...Just like it Rene. LIKE IT!
March 28, 2012
I'm out of my vulcan mind
Rene Cantu Trek yo self befo you wreck yo self

Mary Luna live long and prosper!

Rene Cantu That's it. I'm designing a line of Star Trek briefs and calling them Warp Speedos. Patent pending.

Mary Luna That's freakin cute

March 29, 2012
Rain rain go away!!! I do NOT want to get sick again! -_- tartar sauce

Rene Cantu that didn't rhyme at all! totally disappointed now..

Mary Luna Lol don't give me a hard time!

April 5, 2012
Cubs opening day. Boss is taking some fellow coworkers and I to the game. In anticipation of this...I AM currently wearing my 'stros hat! Hello short work day

Rene Cantu hells yeah! wear the hell outta that hat!

April 10, 2012
I just took this intense pill. This shit cray
Rene Cantu do you yell at mice with your shirt off now?
April 17, 2012
I need to calm down before I punch someone in the face

Rene Cantu 'Cause you're so used to calming down AFTER punching someone in the face?
Mary Luna I'm going to punch you in the face

Rene Cantu No deal.

I'm going to punch your fist with my face.

May 7, 2012

Tell me what you want to hear ♪
Rene Cantu I won the lottery and have the butt of a Greek god. Also candy is good for my health.
Mary Luna You won the a former life. You indeed have the butt of... Aphrodite. M&M's nutritional value is through the roof! HUZZAH!

Rene Cantu Mary Luna strikes again!

May 12, 2012- Left to Australia
May 14, 2012
Rene Cantu what direction does the toilet flush over there?

Mary Luna LMAO! Bart Simpson had it wrong I was eager to find out too.

Rene Cantu D'oh!
May 14, 2012 at 1:20pm

June 10, 2012
Fish don't fry in the kitchen;
Beans don't burn on the grill.
Took a whole lotta tryin'
Just to get up that hill.
Now we're up in the big leagues
Gettin' our turn at bat.

Rene Cantu George Jefferson: This here is the living area, where we does our living, and this is the dining area, where we does our dining, and this is the kitchen area...

Weezy: Where we does our kitchening?!

Best show eva!

Mary Luna Lol

June 15, 2012
I got a main bitch, and a side ho, and I’m still fucking my ex.. I like my music slow, loud and bangin
You didn't comment on this status but messaged me.."Please tell me these are lyrics. Please tell me these are lyrics."  lol
August 4, 2012
Violence is never the answer.
Rene Cantu That's not true! What if the question is: What starts with a V and rhymes with silence?

Mary Luna I'm sorry that's not the response we were looking for sir.

Mary Luna NEVER the answer.

Rene Cantu well what the hell would be the answer to that question?! Vitamins? Violins? I think not madam!

Mary Luna Look man. You only get one shot at that question. Just walk away

Rene Cantu *being dragged away*

You're out of order! This whole trial is out of order!

*Removes pants

Mary Luna Lol

August 11, 2012- I went back to Chi.
I didn't include the posts we have shared on each other's walls, only the comments you have made on my statuses. This is because for some odd reason facebook doesn't have that option anymore, unless I'm doing something wrong. For my sake, let's say I do nothing wrong. lol
Thank you for being in my life Rene. Thank you for the Labor Day weekend that made my heart smile. And what I really wanted to illustrate with this is the friendship we had first. Thank you so much for being my friend first baby. When I read back some of the messages, I want to slap my old self and tell her to wake up. But I also smile because I know that's the same thing I would do every time you shared your witty humor with me. I would smile, or laugh. I thank God for bringing you into my life and I thank you for letting me be a part of yours. I hope you know that I am here for you and I always will be, not just as your special someone, but as a friend. I treasure every moment we have shared. Every email, every message, every phone call, every text, every kishy, every hug, everything. Thank you for our baby. Thank you for my poem. Thank you for our story. Thank you for my version of The Notebook. Thank you for signing my screen play :) Rene, I have been thinking about forever, and it does not make sense without you. Here's to many more hours, days, months, and years with you. Happy Anniversary baby :) BESO BESO BESO BESO BESO BESO :)))))) MMMMUAH!