Sunday, March 3, 2013

Happy 6th Month Anniversary!! :)

I always say this, and it won't hurt to say it again. I wish I had the first emails we exchanged. But at least, I have the memory.

I have so many lovely memories of us baby. They replay in my heart all the time. I'm so incredibly blessed that it's you I share these memories with. Six months worth of memories as a couple. Rene, I want more memories with you. As long as it's you, my life is made. I was texting with you earlier and you were being a meanie, mentioning the Walking Dead, but I wanted to tell you that there is no one else I want to share everything with. No one else I want to watch everything with :))))

Baby, thank you for staying with me for six months, for letting me claim you for six whole months, and more importantly, for letting me keep you forever hunnata bunnata *clicks whistles. I love you Rene. I love you sweetheart. I could never stay away from you baby. I need my heart. I need my baby. MMMMMMMMMMMUAH! :D

-Mrs. Moon- Dragon

P.s. You know exactly what the the links mean. :))))))) Mi amor :))))))
P.p.s. Avery wants to rehearse his Korn rock out sessions with his daddy :)


  1. I met a girl.

    We started as friends. Emails, messages, and phone calls. Looking back at those messages now, they remind me of a quilt; that is, they're like daily patches sewn together, telling a story of two people falling in love from far away.

    Six months. To most, it doesn't seem like a long time. But to us, two people who don't have the luxury of being able to see one another everyday, of being able to kiss each other goodnight every night, of holding hands on promenades, or coming over to each other's place as the mood strikes, to us..six months is an eternity.

    But we're a special breed. People like us, we see with our hearts. And when you see with your heart, you become strong. That's us. Strong. I remember hearing stories about distance, and what it does to people, even those in love. Everyone that knows she lives in Chicago spewed their cautionary tales about distance and love. Their hearts were in the right place. But I never hesitated. I never doubted. Because I'm one those people. The ones that see with their hearts. I believed. I believed in her. I believed in us. I knew she was worth it. I can see her. We've both been hurt before, sure. But we never let our histories keep us from our beautiful future. Because we believed. Because we see with our hearts.
    And that's why we were brought together. That's why we'll stay together. Because we fit. I used to worry a lot. When we'd first gotten together, I worried when I didn't get a reference of hers, or when I didn't know anything about one her favorite artists or subjects. I would think to myself, "Why doesn't she fall for someone who gets those things, or with whom she shares these interests?" I worried I would lose her to someone who fit her better. But I learned something special. Something important. I learned that likes and dislikes don't mean people fit. Imagine a puzzle. A puzzle where each piece has the wrong image painted on. So, when you put the puzzle together, all the pieces fit, but the final image doesn't make sense, because each piece has the wrong painting. The whole purpose of a puzzle, is the final image. I was very happy to discover that our pieces fit, and our image is beautifully perfect. Our hearts fit. That's what really matters. That's what soulmates are. The image, of course, is of a certain tree. With each piece, the tree gets brighter and brighter. Under that tree, there are two people. A beautiful girl, and a silly man, making a silly face while she laughs.

    But the tree isn't finished. The puzzle, incomplete. Next to them are four little shoed feet, attached to four little legs. But we can't see who these two little souls are. Not yet. What we can tell is that the man and the woman are very happy with these two little people. Whoever they are. With time, more pieces will be added, and our puzzle will be complete. A tree. A moon. A dragon. And two little fireflies. Whom they will love with all their hearts. And to whom they will pass their love.

    I'm going to spend the rest of my life with this girl. The girl who's soul I met before I met her body. A girl who touched my soul before she ever touched me. A girl I'd been waiting my whole life for. Mary Torres.

    We always talked about doing puzzles together.

    Let's do this one. Together.


    -Rene Dragon

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